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Y.-W. Hsu and E. F. Kuester, "Optimized Pass-Band Matching Synthesis with Non-Uniform Transmission Lines," in National Radio Science Meeting (URSI) Digest, 2009.

E. F. Kuester, R. Direen, and Y.-W. Hsu, "Bounds of the Bode-Fano Type for the Bandwidth of Non-Uniform Transmission-Line Matching Sections," in National Radio Science Meeting (URSI) Digest, 2009.

Y.-W. Hsu and E. F. Kuester, "Direct Synthesis of Passband Impedance Matching With Nonuniform Transmission Lines," Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 58, pp. 1012-1021, 2010.

J.-H. Chen, C.-C. Kuo, Y.-W. Hsu, and H. Wang, "A novel tunable K-band frequency doubler in 0.18µm CMOS technology," in Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), 2012 Asia-Pacific, 2012, pp. 154-156.

C.-C. Kuo, Y.-W. Hsu, W.-C. Huang, H. Wang, and H.-C. Lu, "Performance Comparison of Flip-Chip-Assembled 5-GHz 0.18µm CMOS Power Amplifiers on Different Packaging Substrates," Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. PP, pp. 1-1, 2013.

P.-H. Chen, J.-C. Kao, T.-L. Yu, Y.-W. Hsu, Y.-M. Teng, G.-W. Huang, and H. Wang, "A 110-180 GHz Broadband Amplifier in 65-nmCMOS Process," in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2013.

D.-S. Siao, J.-C. Kao, Y.-H. Hsiao, Y.-W. Hsu, Y.-M. Teng, G.-W. Huang, K.-Y. Lin and H.Wang, " A 190-GHz Amplifier with Gain-Boosting Technique in 65-nm CMOS; in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2014.

J.-H. Hsieh, K.-C. Hung, and Y.-W. Hsu, "Memory-Efficient Motion Estimation Design for Mobile Multimedia Applications," in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2015.

C.-Y. Yen, Y.-W. Hsu, H.-H. Chen and Y.-Y. Pan, "A 0.1-28 GHz Differential Cascaded Distributed Amplifier in 0.18-μm CMOS Technology,” in 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS).

Y.-W. Hsu, H.-S. Huang, S.-. Shen, E. F. Kuester and H.-H. Chen, " Direct Synthesis of Passband Non-uniform Transmission Lined Matching Sections with Discontinuities at the Ends and its Application in Broadband Amplifier Design,” in IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS), 2019.

M.-X. Li, C.-Y. Jiang, Y.-Y. Pan, H.-H. Chen and Y.-W. Hsu, " Using Inversion-mode MOS Varactors and 3-port Inductor in 0.18-𝜇m CMOS Voltage Controlled Oscillator,” in IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2019.

H.-H. Chen, Y.-W. Hsu, Y.-A. Chang and Y.-J. Chen, " High-Speed Transition Design for the Connection between USB Type-C Receptacle and PCB Circuits,” in International Conference on Electronics Communication Technologies (ICECT), 2019.

H.-H. Chen and Y.-W. Hsu, " Analytic Design of On-Chip Spiral Inductors with Variable Linewidth,” special issue "Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems" in MDPI, 2022.

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